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Factors to Consider When Attempting to Bring Full Revolution Clutch
Mechanical Power Presses into Compliance with OSHA 1910.217 Standards
Safeguarding is more of a challenge with
full revolution clutch presses than with air clutch presses, and their
compliance cost often exceeds their original/replacement cost. Important
factors to be considered when planning to bring full revolution clutch
mechanical power presses into compliance with OSHA 1910.217 standards are
presented in this paper. The OSHA standard requirements for full revolution
clutch presses are highlighted, along with a table that lists the distances
at which guards must be positioned from the danger line in accordance with
regulations. The various alternatives for fixed barrier guards for hand fed
presses such as 2 hand trip, Type A sliding barrier device, pullouts or
restraints are illustrated, and their uses are explained. The document also
focuses on the cost effectiveness and the advantages of hydraulic presses,
air over oil hydraulic presses, and pneumatic presses.

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